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Spring 2024 - Spring 2021

G.A.M.E. DAY: Redemptions' Raiders Of MemphiΣ

Spring 2024

1. Na'Im Saeed - Killmonger
2. John Kendrick- Winter Σoldier
3. Papa Frempong - Heat Wave

4. LaMoure Philmon - Σ.I.N.E.E.S.T.R.O.

5. Abel Yonas - Voldemort

6. Joshua JohnLouis - L.O.K.I.

7. Andrew Fraser - ThanoΣ

8. Miles Suitt - KnuckleΣ

9. Jullian Cole - V.E.G.E.T.A.

10. Zion Green - Σolomon Grundy

11. Gabriel Bryant - Misster Mxyzptlk

12. J Hardy - Cpt. Boomerang

13. Micaiah Emanuel - Kingpin

14. Trey Wilson - Electro

15. Jayden Armant - Firelord Zuko

16. Amaar Zarrieff - Norman Osborn 

The Kushites Of H.E.A.R.T.B.R.E.A.K. AΣylum

Spring 2023

1. Andre Williams - Killua
2. Lamarrius Danley - Hannibal Lecter
3. Branson Brooks - Donnie D.A.R.K.O.

4. Christian Zerangue - M.A.D. King MidaΣ

5. Christopher Campbell - Caligula

6. Izaac Ballard - Max P.A.I.N.

7. Chauncy V. Sutton - Doflamingo

8. David Lucdor - ThEE Joker

9. Bryce Harris - American P.Σ.Y.C.H.O.


The C.L.A.S.S.I.C.Σ.

Spring 2022

1. Daniel Howard - Soul Calibur
2. Theodore Daniels Jr. - Bioshock
3. Devonte King - Tekken

4. Jacques Jean-Mary - Def Jam: Fight for NY

5. Ayoade Adebiyi - Red Dead Redemption

6. Kadin Smith - God of War

7. Gregory Pugh - Killer Instinct

8. Kameron Milton - Twisted Metal

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Σ.O.N.S. Of Zion

Spring 2021

1. Keanu Powell - JoΣeph
2. Nathaniel Sizemore - Judah
3. Zyier Wilcher - Reuben

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